Report: US Army Should Embrace Anti-Access/Area-Denial Mission | Defense News | The US Army is embracing a more expeditionary identity, but earlier this month, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recommended it return to an old mission on the home front: coastal defense.
Now the think tank Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments is expanding upon that idea in a report released today — “Beyond Coast Artillery: Cross Domain Denial and the Army,” authored by Eric Lindsey — advocating a new role for the Army, cross-domain denial.
As with Hagel, who spoke at the Association of the US Army’s annual meeting here in mid-October, the report recommends the Army employ land-based forces to deny access to other domains, such as the air and sea. More than defend coastlines, the Army could employ a forward anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) force to constrain the movement of enemy forces.