Tuesday, February 22, 2011

US military to boost naval fleet in Asia

US military to boost naval fleet in Asia: "A top US naval commander said Monday that Washington plans to boost its military presence in Asia, while warning that China should expand its own forces in a 'responsible and constructive' way.

The naval commander also warned that the rash of sea piracy plaguing the coast of Africa was spreading eastward to southern India.

"Despite, or perhaps because of, the coordinated international efforts to fight piracy in the Gulf of Aden, we have seen the problem slowly creeping to the east into the Indian Ocean," Van Buskirk said.

"No one country can fight piracy alone," he added.

Last week, US Navy Admiral Robert Willard warned that Somali pirates were moving deeper into Asian waters amid international efforts to clamp down on the problem."

Merchant Vessel Defense Against Pirates

Preemptive Measures Can Prevent Boarding and Hostage Taking

Too often, ship operators fail to take proper anti-piracy security measures, effectively turning their merchant vessels into “Golden Geese” ripe for the taking, writes the author. He goes on to discuss proven methods of hardening commercial ships and training their crews to prevent pirates – whether from Somalia or elsewhere – from boarding vessels and taking crews hostage.