Reality Check: Effects of a Digital Meltdown | AFCEA SIGNAL Scape: "Led by Vice Adm. Herbert A. Browne, USN (Ret.), AFCEA International’s former president and CEO, the final panel on Wednesday took on one of the toughest topics yet: fighting through a digital meltdown. But panelists were stand-offish about tackling this topic head on. Instead, they referred to how well prepared the U.S. military is to defend against attacks, how equally dependent adversaries are on technology as well and how warfighters on the tactical edge already are operating without dependable network connectivity.
Robert Carey, DON CIO, questioned whether the entire network could be taken down. Today, the military is far better equipped than it ever has been in this arena, he stated. “This focus and talent helps us fight this war and handle effects that could occur. We have now created the cadre to fight this that didn’t exist two years ago, but it does exist now,” Carey said.
The network also is more resilient than it ever has been, so while the effects of a cyberattack would be significant to those affected, in the world scope, they would be small, he added. The military must get its arms around what this meltdown is in both scale and scope. Comparing it to the ability to steal a car that hosts every security device available simply by using a tow truck, Carey emphasized that if an adversary wants to break into a system, a break-in will occur. Consequently, the focus should be is on risk management."